Морфологическая оценка влияния коллагеновой повязки на заживление ожоговых ран IIIa степени

Objective: to conduct a morphological (histological) study of the effect of a designed collagen bandage on grade IIIa burn wound healing. Materials and methods. Wound biopsy specimens taken from 19 patients (mean age 50 years) with grade IIIa burns (10 to 60% of the body surface) were examined. A type I collagen-based biological bandage was used for their treatment. The wounds of the patients who were treated with a levomecol ointment-containing bandage served as a control. The healing of Grade IIIa burn wounds, by applying a type I collagenbased platelet-derived growth factor BB (PDGF-BB)-enriched biological bandage, was histologically studied. Results. Burn wound epitheliazation was observed on days 7 to 9 when the collagen-based bandage was applied. It was seen in the controls on days 20-22 if the course of the wound process was favorable. Conclusion. The application of the type 1 collagen-type PDGF-BB biological bandage on days 1-2 after injury considerably accelerated grade IIIa burn wound healing processes. The stimulating effect of the bandage is likely to be associated mainly with the fact that in the early stage of the wound healing process, exogenous collagen of the bandage creates the conditions that are necessary for the fixation and movement of cells (both keratinocytes and fibroblasts).
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