La central electronuclear de Garellano (Italia)

This power station works on the forced circulation, double cycle process. It has a turboalternator of 160,000 kw, and is situated 7 km above the mouth of the river Garellano. The most significant feature of this type of building is the spherical container, within which the reactor is located. The connection between this and the turboalternator hall is also of interest. In addition there is a complex set of other facilities, including the engine hall, workshop, laboratories, offices and stores. Great care has been lavished on the reinforced concrete structure, and on the plastic quality of the whole building, taking care that it fits within the general environment. The need to have the use of a powerful bridge crane, and provide protection against radiation, has involved the construction of reinforced concrete of very large sections, in contrast to the more conventional type of structures. The external paraments are of untreated concrete, with abutments. Administration and executive office buildings are of conventional design.
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