ABSTRACT In this case lesions that occured due to a grass awn detected in the right auricle of the heart of a 6-year-old female, German Pointer were described. Presenting signs were abdominal distention, icterus, anorexia and lethargy. Radiography revealed hypervascularization and loss of contrast in caudal lung lobe, elevation of trachea, hepatomegaly and splenomegaly. The echocardiography revealed dilation of the pulmonary artery and the right ventricle and paradoxiyal septal motion. A presumptive diagnosis was made of liver and right heart failure. Abdominocentesis and symptomatic treatments were administered to the patient. However the patient did not respond to the therapy and gradually deteriorated and she died within a month. At the necropsy transudate was observed in the abdominal cavity at an approximate amount of 2 lt. The grass awn was detected in the right auricula of the heart. The lungs were swollen and mottled. The liver was over-enlarged and congested. Histopathologically, myocardial necrosis was evident. Annular foreign bodies putative of grass awn, foreign-body giant cells with multiple nuclei and foci of abcesses with numerous dejenerative neutrophil leukoctytes were observed in myocardium. Cellular and purulent bronchopneumonia and thrombosis were typical in the lungs. Furthermore, portal venous vessels and hepatic lymphatics were dilated and collagenous fibrous proliferation was evident within the walls of the vessels. Key Words: dog, grass awn, right auricle, liver, Budd-Chiari-like syndrome BIR KOPEKTE SAĞ AURIKULADA SAPTANAN PISI PISI OTU'NA (HORDEUM SPP) BAĞLI GELIŞEN KLINIK VE PATOLOJIK BULGULAR OZET Bu vakada 6 yasindaki disi Alman Puanter irki kopegin sag kalp aurikulasinda saptanan pisi pisi otu'na bagli gelisen lezyonlar degerlendirildi. Klinige abdominal distensiyon, ikterus, anoreksi ve halsizlik sikayetiyle getirilen kopegin radyografisinde akciger kaudal loblarinda hipervaskularizasyon ile birlikte opaklasma, trachea'da dislokasyon, hepatomegali ve splenomegali saptandi. Ekokardiyografide arteria pulmonalis ve sag ventrikulde dilatasyon, interventrikuler septumda paradoksiyal hareket izlendi. Hastada sag kalp ve karaciger yetmezliginden suphelenildi. Hastadan abdominal sentezle uc gunde 1,5 litre sivi alindi ve semptomatik tedavi uygulandi. Tedavinin basinda genel durumu duzelmesine ragmen daha sonra giderek kotulesti ve altinci ay'da oldu. Yapilan nekropside karin boslugunda 2 lt kadar modifiye transudat saptandi. Sag kalp aurikulasinda pisi pisi otu, akcigerlerin siskin ve mozaik manzarasi gorunum aldigi, karacigerde de asiri buyume ve konjesyon saptandi. Histolopatolojik incelemede kalp kasinda nekroz, pisi pisi otu'na ait halka benzeri yapilar ve yabanci cisim dev hucreleri ile cok sayida dejeneratif notrofil lokositten olusan apse alanlari saptandi. Akcigerlerde selluler ve irinli bronkopneumoni ve damarlarda tromboz gozlendi. Karacigerde sinosidlerde dilatasyon ve siddetli konjesyon, hepatositlerde atrofi ve nekroz izlendi. Ayrica portal venlerde ve hepatik lenf damarlarinda dilatasyon ve damar duvarlarinda kollagen doku artisi saptandi. Sunulan bu olgu ic organlarda (akciger, periton) nadiren gorulen pisi pisi otunun sag aurikulada saptanan ilk olgu oldugunu ve intrakariyak yabanci cisme bagli olarak karacigerde gelisen klinikopatolojik bulgularin Budd-Chiari benzeri sendromu ile benzerlik gosterdigini dusunmekteyiz. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kopek, Pisi pisi otu, Sag aurikula, Karaciger, Budd-Chiari benzeri sendrom
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