Szakképzés 4.0 – új lehetőségek a szakképzésben Vet 4.0 – New opportunities in vocational education and training

A kormany 2019 marciusaban elfogadta a „SZAKKEPZES 4.0 – A szakkepzes es felnőtt-kepzes megujitasanak kozeptavu szakmapolitikai strategiaja, a szakkepzesi rendszer va-lasza a negyedik ipari forradalom kihivasaira” elnevezesű strategiat. A harom pillerre – vonzo oktatasi kornyezet, karrierlehetőseg es naprakesz tudasu oktatok – epulő strategia viziojakent kerult meghatarozasra, hogy a szakkepzes minden munkakepes koru magyar allampolgar szamara biztositson legalabb egy, a gazdasag igenyein alapulo, a munkaerő-piacon elhelyezkedest biztosito, modern szaktudast nyujto szakmat, illetve szakkepesitest. A strategia ennek eleresere tiz kiemelt fejlesztesi teruleten negyven beavatkozast nevesitett, amelyek gyakorlatba valo atultetese folyamatosan zajlik. Az alabbiakban ennek attekin-tesere kerul sor, kiemelt figyelemmel a gazdasag szakmai igenyeinek a szakkepzesbe valo becsatornazasara, valamint a szakkepzes es a felsőoktatas kapcsolodasi pontjaira. The mid-term strategy for the renewal of vocational education and training and adult education called „VET 4.0 – answers to the challenges of the 4th Industrial Revolution” was approved by the Government of Hungary in March 2019. The strategy is structured around three pillars: creation of an attractive learning environment, attractive career op-portunities for learners, providing VET teachers with up-to-date knowledge. The vision of the strategy is to provide each Hungarian citizen at least one VET qualification with the criteria of this based on the requirements of the labour market, and providing modern VET skills. The strategy defines forty necessary interventions on ten main fields of development that shall serve the achievement of the above target. The implementation of the strategy is in progress currently. The below study aims to give an overview on the actions taken, with a special focus on the implementation of the professional needs of the economy into VET and on the connection of VET and higher education.
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