Effect of Soy Flour Supplementation on the Quality and Shelf Life of Gulabjamuns

An attempt was made to improve the nutritional quality of desert 'Gulabjamun' with supplementation of protein rich defatted soyflour to replace wheat-flour of control recipe in the levels of 3.33%, 6.66% and 9.99% and control. The data were analysed using the procedure of two-way ANOVA using GLM of SPSS. Protein and fat content of Gulabjamuns de- creased with increase in the storage periods irrespective of soyflour supplementation in Gulabjamuns and storage condition. The shelf life of Gulabjamuns at ambient (26.60°C to 36.25°C) and refrigeration (4 to 7°C) conditions were varied from 8 to 10 days and 10 to 14 days, respectively. Decrease of protein and fat content (%) during storage varied from 18.29 to 30.37% and 31.02 to 34.44% in ambient and 19.98 to 30.93% and 19.27 to 36.21% in refrigerator condition, respectively. Textural behaviour of stored Gulabjamuns was increased with increase in the soyflour supplementation, storage period and supple- mentation of 6.66% soyflour is best. Cereals are the major source of protein in Indian diet, which has an inferior quality of protein as compared to other vegetable and animal proteins. Soybean is one of the nature's wonderful nutritional gifts. It is one of the very few plants that provide a complete protein with minimum satu- rated fat. Regular consumption of soybean helps to prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol level, combating osteoporosis and menopause regulation. Soybeans contain all the three essential macro nutrients required for good nutrition, com- plete protein (40%), carbohydrate (18%), fat (18%) and moisture (9%) apart from vitamins and minerals (5%), in- cluding folic acid, calcium, potassium and iron (National Soybean Research Laboratory, 2008; Singh et. al., 2009). Soybean protein also provides all the nine essential amino acids in the amounts needed for human health. The amino acid pattern of soy protein is virtually equivalent in quality to that of meat, milk and egg protein. Soybeans are most valued nutritionally for their unsaturated fatty acids, protein and fiber content (10%). The recent nutritional survey con- ducted by Food and Nutrition Board of Govt. of India sug- gests that, India is facing protein calorie malnutrition; intake of pulses and availability of oil is less than
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