High Resolution Studies of Sunspots and Flux Tubes

This contract started as a three-year research study of sunspots and magnetic flux tubes in the solar atmosphere, using tunable filter images collected with a CCD camera during observing runs at the Canary Islands observatories in Spain. Scientific results are reported at conferences and published in the appropriate journals. The contract is being performed by the Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory (S&AL), part of the Lockheed Palo Alto Advanced Technology Center (ATC) of Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space (LMMS). The principal investigator is Dr. Alan Title, and the research is done by him and other scientific staff at S&AL, often in collaboration with visiting scientists and students from other institutions. An extension to the contract has been awarded for developing the Solar Lite technology demonstration telescope, a 1-meter solar telescope with silicon carbide optics made at the Vavilov Optical Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia. The highlights during this reporting period included the continuation of the fabrication efforts on the Solar Lite optical components at Vavilov State Optical Institute, including the completion of the Gregorian telescope field stop. A visit was made to the Vavilov Institute to review the progress and inspect the optical components.
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