Diallel analysis for the inheritance study of phytic acid along with morpho-yield traits in bread wheat

In the kernels of wheat, a macro molecule called phytic acid acts as an inhibitor of nutrients. Phytic acid in high concentration is undesirable as it hinders the absoption of other molecules. Regression analysis, the model of additive-dominance and Hotelling’s t2 test were adequate for biological yield, grains spike-1 and phytic acid, while partially adequate results were found for grain yield and 1000-grain weight. Greater values of H1 and H2 than D for biological yield, grain yield, 1000-grain weight, grains spike-1, and phytic acid concentration indicated that these traits were under the control of non-additive gene action. Same results were also confirmed by average degree of dominance. Estimates of heritability for broad and narrow sense varied greatly for the traits of biological yield (0.89, 0.10), grain yield (0.98, 0.13), 1000-grain weight (0.68, 0.25) grains spike-1 (0.680, 05), and phytic acid concentration (0.86, 0.01). Phytic acid concentration ranged from 0.56 to 3.43% among F1 crosses while for parental genotypes the range was 1.06 to 3.67%. Some of the F1 hybrids like Ps-2005 × Ghaznavi (0.56%), AUP-4006 × Ps-2004 (0.74%), Janbaz × Ps-2004 (0.89%) and Janbaz × Ps-2005 (1.01%), indicated the lowest concentration of phytic acid. This research confirms that F1 hybrids with low phytic acid concentration could yield desirable segregants.   Key words: Bread wheat, phytic acid, biological yield, grain yield, diallel analysis, inheritance, heritability.
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