A three-dimensional reduced MHD model consistent with full MHD.

Within the context of a viscoresistive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model with anisotropic heat transport and cross-field mass diffusion, we introduce novel three-term representations for the magnetic field (background vacuum field, field line bending and field compression) and velocity ($\vec E\times\vec B$ flow, field-aligned flow and fluid compression), which are amenable to three-dimensional treatment. Once the representations are inserted into the MHD equations, appropriate projection operators are applied to Faraday's law and the Navier-Stokes equation to obtain a system of scalar equations that is closed by the continuity and energy equations. If the background vacuum field is sufficiently strong and the $\beta$ is low, MHD waves are approximately separated by the three terms in the velocity representation, with each term containing a specific wave. Thus, by setting the appropriate term to zero, we eliminate fast magnetosonic waves, obtaining a reduced MHD model. We also show that the other two velocity terms do not compress the magnetic field, which allows us to set the field compression term to zero within the same reduced model. Dropping also the field-aligned flow, a further simplified model is obtained, leading to a fully consistent hierarchy of reduced and full MHD models for 3D plasma configurations. Finally, we discuss the conservation properties and derive the conditions under which the reduction approximation is valid. We also show that by using an ordering approach, reduced MHD equations similar to what we got from the ansatz approach can be obtained by means of a physics-based asymptotic expansion.
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