One of the basic features of any ammunitions, which directly influence the noted characteristics, are: the type of war-head and the type of explosive which is used in a war-head. The characteristics of the war-head and explosives are interdependent parameters. Brisant explosives play a basic role in the criterion of destructive effect. Among brisant explosives there are fuel-air explosives. The concept of action of fuel-air explosion ammunitions is based on detonation of cloud combustible to the aerosol. Due to the greater sizes of cloud (much more than charges with the condensed explosive), a shock wave keeps a destructive effect at long range. Thermobaric explosives are a specific industry of development of fuel-air explosives. Thermobaric charges consist of central burster which is executed from ordinary explosives with high-rate of detonation, around which there is a thermobaric mixture i. e. condensed explosives with high content of metal fuel. Advantage of thermobaric explosive ammunition in comparison with fuel-air explosive ammunition is absence of atmospheric phenomena effects on them (for example effect of wind). Moreover, for initiation of explosion the time is not rquired for forming a cloud.  In addition, a shock wave from the explosion of thermobaric charges is able to flow in shelter. However, effectiveness of thermobaric ammunitions in open terrain comparatively is not high: only in the closed and half-closed spaces they show the increased effectiveness due to the intensive ability of metal parts to finish burning in such closed area. The results of destructive effect of ammunitions with thermobaric explosives on different targets are considered taking into account two factors of explosion: pressure and temperature. The factor of pressure is assessed by surplus pressure ΔРm and specific impulse of contraction phase at surplus pressure (i+) in a shock wave. The factor of temperature is assessed by distribution of temperature from the point of explosion to the limit of the area and area existence time. Perspective developments of thermobaric explosives are developments of explosives of the third generation, which in the composition do not contain a burster. The charges of thermobaric explosives of the third generation allow to equip ammunitions of small caliber.
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