Türkiye'de bulunan karaciğer ve sindirim sistemi hastalıklarında kullanılan Cynara scolymus L. (Enginar) preparatlarının standardizasyonunun ve fitoeşdeğerliğinin kontrolü

Bu tez calismasinda bitkisel materyal olarak Compositae familyasina ait Cynara scolymus'un (enginar) yapraklarindan yararlanilmistir. Enginar, Guney Amerika ve Akdeniz Ulkeleri'nde dogal olarak yetisen ve dunyanin bircok bolgesinde kulturu yapilan bir bitkidir. Ulkemizde de kiyi bolgelerimizde enginar kulturu yapilmaktadir.Bu calismada oncelikle farkli ekstraksiyon teknikleri denenmis ve en yuksek verime ulasilan hareketli maserasyon ile ekstraksiyon yapilmasina karar verilmistir. Metanol:su (70:30) ile yapilan ekstraksiyonu sirasiyla hekzan, kloroform, etilasetat ile sivi-sivi ekstraksiyon takip etmis ve etkili bilesikler acisindan zengin oldugu ITK ile saptanan n-butanol fraksiyonu ile izolasyon calismalarina gecilmistir. Kolon kromatografisi ile toplanan fraksiyonlar, ITK ve HPLC ile kontrol edilmis, izole edilen bilesikler preparatif ITK ve kristallendirme teknikleri ile saflastirilmistir. Bitkiden CS-1 kodlu luteolin-7-glukopiranozit (sinarozit) ve CS-2 kodlu 5-kafeoilkinik asit (klorojenik asit) bilesikleri izole edilmistir.Calismada ayrica standardize ekstre hazirlanmasinda kullanilan spray dryer ile sulu enginar ekstrelerinden hareketle standardize kuru ekstre elde edilmeye calisilmistir. Bu amacla farkli parametreler denenmis ve sonuc alinmistir. Verim arttirma calismalari ve elde edilen ekstrenin kalitesini arttirmaya yonelik calismalar devam etmektedir.Tez calismamizda, farkli uretici firmalara ait Cynara scolymus yaprak ekstresi iceren alti adet bitkisel urun uzerinde analizler gerceklestirilmistir. Bu urunlerdeki sinarozit, luteolin, apigenin, naringenin ve klorojenik asitin HPLC-DAD ile miktar tayinleri yapilmis ve fitoesdegerlikleri degerlendirilmistir. Kalite kontrol calismalari sirasinda bitkiden izole edilen sinarozit ve klorojenik asit de standart madde olarak kullanilmistir.Calisma sonucunda incelenen bitkisel urunlerin bir kisminda yukarida belirtilen bilesiklerin tamamina rastlanmamis, bazilarinda da bu bilesiklerin bir kapsuldeki miktarlarinin olmasi gereken degerlerin altinda oldugu tespit edilmistir.Abstract Leaves of Cynara scolymus (artichoke), a member of the Compositae family, were used in this thesis study as the herbal material. Artichoke is a plant indigenous to South American and Mediterranean countries and is also cultured in many other regions throughout the world. Artichoke is cultured in the coastal regions of our country.In this study, several extraction techniques were tested initially, and it was decided to use dynamic maceration for extraction, since it produced the highest yield. Following extraction with methanol:water (70:30), further fluid: fluid extractions with hexane, chloroform and ethylacetate were studied, respectively, followed by isolation phase using n-butanol, which was detected to highly contain active substances by TLC. Fractions collected with column chromatography were checked with TLC and HPLC and the isolated compounds were purified using preparative TLC and crystallization techniques. The compounds CS-1 coded luteolin-7-glucopyranoside (cynaroside) and CS-2 coded 5-caffeoylquinic acid (chlorogenic acid) were isolated from the plant.In this study, further attempts were made to obtain standardized dry extract from the aqueous artichoke extracts by using the spray dryer utilized in preparing the standardized extract. Different parameters were tested for this purpose with success. Studies to increase the yield and to improve the quality of the extract obtained are ongoing.Analyses on six herbal products containing Cynara scolymus leaf extract from different manufacturers were carried out as a part of this thesis study. Cynaroside, luteolin, apigenin, naringenin and chlorogenic acid were assayed using HPLC-DAD and their phytoequivalence was evaluated. Cynaroside and chlorogenic acid isolated from the plant were used as standard substances during quality control analyses.Each of the above-mentioned compounds could not be detected in some of the herbal products studied, while in some products, these compounds were present but with amounts less than required to be contained in a capsule.
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