Certified quantum random numbers based on single-photon entanglement

Random number generators are employed for stochastic simulations and cryptography. Besides the quality of randomness, a crucial aspect for applications is security, namely the monitoring of the lower bound on the entropy produced by the generator in any context, even fraudulent ones. In this regard, quantum entanglement represents an ideal resource, because it provides non-classical correlations between intrinsically random outcomes. However, entanglement-based certified random numbers generators are particularly challenging from a practical point of view. Here, we demonstrate a new certified quantum random number generator based on momentum-polarization entangled single photon states. The use of single particle entanglement allows employing an attenuated laser source and a simple setup where only linear optical components are utilized. A semi-device independent modeling of the photonic quantum random number generator certifies a minimum entropy of $(2.5 \pm 0.5)\%$, corresponding to a generation rate of 4.4 kHz. Modeling the generation stage of the setup permits to increase the certified minimum entropy to $(30.1 \pm 0.5)\%$, implying a generation rate of 52.7 kHz, at the expenses of an increased level of trust on the system.
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