INTERNATIONAL JOURNA L OF ENGINEERING SCI ENCES & RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY ion of Combustion, Performance a nd Emission in CI D Spark Assisted Diesel Engine U sing Ethanol as Dual Fuel

Multi cylinder IDI Diesel engine powered vehicle po pulation in India will exist for another decade. exhaust emissions from these engines are NOx, smoke, HC and CO. Hence the present been carried out to control the smoke, which contri butes a major share as exhaust pollutant from the vehicle exhaust. The engine performance in specifi c fuel consumption and thermal efficiency have been improved at the optimized spark delay set at 800 µ seconds ( 17 o crank angle at 1 500 rpm) and the duration of 5 mille seconds ( 46 o crank angle at 1 500 rpm). The research work has been conducted using High Speed Diesel (D 100) at different loads of 85 %, 65 % and 45 % at correspondin between 2000 rpm and 3500 rpm at a speed interval of 500 rpm. Smoke has been found reduced by 2 % at operating speeds of 2500 rpm -3000 rpm and 3 % increase in brake thermal efficien cy and 3 % improvement in specific fuel consumption (SFC) at the same operating speed range. Electronic ignition, Smoke, Spark duration Multi cylinder IDI Diesel engine powered vehicle po pulation in India will exist for another decade. The major exhaust emissions from these engines are NOx, smoke, HC and CO. Hence the present research work has been carried out to control the smoke, which contri butes a major share as exhaust pollutant from the vehicle exhaust. The engine performance in specifi c fuel consumption and thermal efficiency have been delay set at 800 µ seconds ( 17 o crank angle at 1 500 rpm) and the duration of 5 mille seconds ( 46 o crank angle at 1 500 rpm). The research work has been conducted using High Speed Diesel (D 100) at different loads of 85 %, 65 % and 45 % at correspondin g speed ranges between 2000 rpm and 3500 rpm at a speed interval of 500 rpm. Smoke has been found reduced by 2 -3 3000 rpm and 3 % increase in brake thermal efficien cy and 3 %
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