Evaluation of efficacy of iodine prophylaxis in Poland based on the examination of schoolchildren living in Opoczno Town

Background: In 1997 a currently obligatory model of iodine prophylaxis, based on mandatory iodization of household salt with 30 mg KI/kg, was introduced. The aim of our study was to assess the iodine intake among school-age children living in Opoczno in 3 subsequent time points – in 1994, before establishment of currently operating model of iodine prophylaxis, in 1999 – 2 years after implementation of iodine prophylaxis and in 2010, – 14 years after its implementation. Methods: We assessed goitre incidence and urine iodine concentration (UIC) in 104 children in 1994, 207 children in 1999 and 174 children in 2012. Age of examined children ranged from 6 to 15 years. The thyroid volumes evaluated by ultrasound were compared to reference values for thyroid volume proposed by Zimmermann at al. Moreover, we have introduced a new index – V/BSA ratio (comparison of thyroid volume to the body surface area), which to our belief allows for more accurate assessment of thyroid volume.
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