Weighted Ancestors in Suffix Trees Revisited

The weighted ancestor problem is a well-known generalization of the predecessor problem to trees. It is known that it requires $\Omega(\log\log n)$ time for queries provided $O(n\mathop{\mathrm{polylog}} n)$ space is available and weights are from $[0..n]$, where $n$ is the number of tree nodes. However, when applied to suffix trees, the problem, surprisingly, admits an $O(n)$-space solution with constant query time as was shown by Gawrychowski, Lewenstein, and Nicholson. This variant of the problem can be reformulated as follows: given the suffix tree of a string $s$, we need a data structure that can locate in the tree any substring $s[p..q]$ of $s$ in $O(1)$ time (as if one descended from the root reading $s[p..q]$ along the way). Unfortunately, the data structure of Gawrychowski et al. has no efficient construction algorithm, which apparently prevents its wide usage. In this paper we resolve this issue describing a data structure for weighted ancestors in suffix trees with constant query time and a linear construction algorithm. Our solution is based on a novel approach using so-called irreducible LCP values.
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