LIF measurements on an atomic helium beam in the edge of a fusion plasma – possible derivation of the electron density

Local values of the electron density and temperature in the edge of a fusion plasma can be derived with high space and time resolution by the use of line radiation of atomic helium beams. The accuracy of this method is mainly limited by the uncertainties in the collisional-radiative model which is needed in order to obtain both plasma parameters from the measured relative intensities of atomic helium lines. Combination of a helium beam with a pulsed high-power laser provides a possibility of ne measurement which does not require a detailed knowledge of the collisional-radiative model. The method relies on resonant laser pumping of some levels and analyzing their fluorescence after the end of the laser pulse. Such measurements were already performed in low temperature plasmas with some content of atomic helium [1,2,3]. In this paper, we discuss the applicability of this method in the fusion edge plasma in the density range of ∼1012–1013 cm−3 when exciting helium atoms with a laser at the wavelength of λ = ...
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