Основные направления и методы государственного регулирования сельскохозяйственного производства

One of the most adjustable spheres of economy around the world is the agriculture. Objective need of regulation of agriculture is caused by a variety of reasons. One of these reasons is responsibility of the state for food supply of the country. The necessity of state regulation of agriculture is caused also by structural and financial deformations which happened recently in branch that increases need of addition of a market mechanism with the state intervention. The current state of agriculture testifies that the system of measures of regulation and support of branch existing in our country demands improvement. In the conditions of the centralized planned economy, the agriculture differed in not simply high level of the state intervention, and directly public administration in production. In this article functions and the methods of state regulation consisting in theoretical and practical essence of regulation are considered. As for today state regulation of agriculture relies on considerable budgetary financing: federal and regional. Also practice of state regulation of agriculture of Russia shows that now the most part of expenses on state regulation is carried out at the regional level. Current agrarian transformations are given without due organizational and technical providing. It is possible to improve these processes only by strengthening of material base of agricultural producers. For the next years on the basis of state regulation it is necessany to solve following objectives: to provide stabilization of agro-industrial production, to keep and strengthen food security of the country, not to allow deterioration of food supply of the population, to create prerequisites for an exit of agro-industrial complex from crisis, to restore and pull together levels of the income of workers of agriculture and other branches of economy.
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