Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis for Turkey

(ProQuest: ... denotes formulae omitted.)IntroductionEconomic development of a country depends on utilization of resources for increasing productive capacity. In many developing countries, utilization of resources is rendered impossible by the scarcity of domestic capital. One of these economic problems of developing countries is that they do not have enough national savings to finance their investments. They are in constant need of foreign capital in forms of both direct and indirect investments. Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a process whereby the residents of the source country attain ownership of assets with the intention to control the production, distribution and other activities of a firm in the host country (Khachoo and Khan,2012). Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a way of international loan, by which those countries that have better investment opportunities at the present borrow from those that have capital surplus.FDI can be a crucial instrument to foster economic growth. FDI provides developing countries with the much needed capital for investments and enhances job creation, managerial skills and transfer of technology for less developed countries. Furthermore, FDI encourages technological development and also support the accumulation of physical capital.FDI plays a significant role in the development of international trade, and it helps to establish direct, stable, and long-lasting links between economies. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) states that; FDI can serve as an important vehicle for local enterprise development, strengthening the competitiveness of both the recipient and investor (Groh and Wich, 2012). For example, Turkey in particular is pursuing further political and monetary integration with Europe. In that case maintaining a government effectiveness that is conducive to foreign investment and increases comparative advantage is integral to its integrationist aspirations.The significance of foreign direct investment (FDI) flows is well documented in literature for both the developing and developed countries. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows to developing countries have been substantially increasing and, compared to other capital flows, have remained the largest component of net resource flows to developing countries. FDI is a key element in international economic integration. FDI creates direct, stable and long-lasting links between economies. As a definition FDI is a direct investment into production or business in a country by an individual or company of another country, either by buying a company in the target country or by expanding operations of an existing business in that country. It encourages the transfer of technology and know-how between countries, and allows the host economy to promote its products more widely in international markets (Todaro, 1994).The role of foreign direct investment in the development of Turkish economy cannot be over emphasized. Foreign direct investment provides capital for investment; it enhances job creation and managerial skills, and possibly technology transfer.We shall present our analysis with a brief history of the Turkish economy. Today, Turkey is one of the most attractive investment destinations for foreign investors. It benefits from a unique strategic location; a young, dynamic and skilled workforce, and a stable political and economic environment. Turkey received foreign investment inflows of only US$18m 33 years ago when it started to host foreign investors. Now, the cumulative value of foreign investments has surged to US$138.3b. While the aggregate volume of foreign investment inflows totalled only US$14.6b during the 80-year period from the establishment of the Turkish Republic to 2003, this figure rose to US$123.7b during the last decade. In other words, Turkey attracted 8.5 times more foreign inward investment over the last decade than it did in the previous 80 years. …
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