Genetic data generated from virus–host complexes obtained by membrane co-immobilization are equivalent to data obtained from tangential filtrate virus concentrates and virus cultures

The sieving and immobilization of virus–host complexes using impact filtration (aka membrane co-immobilization or MCI) is a novel approach to the study of plankton viruses. One of the most interesting characteristics of the method is the possibility of generating data on potential viral hosts without the need of culturing hosts cells. MCI has demonstrated to be useful for studying viruses of picoalgae, but studies comparing data generated by MCI to data obtained by other techniques are lacking. In this work, Ostreococcus virus (OV) and Ostreococcus sp. sequences generated from virus–host complexes obtained by MCI were compared to sequences obtained from tangential filtration (TF) concentrates and virus cultures (VC). Statistical parsimony, phylogenetic analyses, pairwise distance comparisons, and analysis of molecular variance showed that the viral and host sequences obtained by the three methods were highly related to each other, indicating that MCI, TF, and VC produce equivalent results. Minor differences were observed among viral sequences obtained from VC and TF concentrates as well as among host sequences generated from VC and MCI. As discussed in the body of the paper, the divergence observed for cultured cells could be due to selective pressures exerted by culture conditions, whereas the correlate observed for the corresponding viral sequences could obey to a hitchhiking effect.
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