eff ects, identifying distress, and providing appropriate treatment are important factors to address.

Although the specifi c causes of these problems need further examination, they are likely to include identifi cation of new bacterial growth requiring eradication. Parental awareness of environmental acquisition of bacteria (eg, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) can lead to exaggerated perceptions and misunderstandings of risk and consequences, in turn leading to limitations being placed on children’s activities, often to the detriment of the quality of life of the child. 10 Amelioration of the psychological eff ects of colonising M abscessus is likely to facilitate improvements in psychological health, quality of life, and adherence to eradication protocols. Considerations for doing so, and other intervention strategies, are outlined in the panel. In conclusion, M abscessus is a signifi cant threat to patients with cystic fi brosis. Treatment protocols are complex, lengthy, and add extra demands to an already onerous therapeutic routine. Assessment of the psychological wellbeing of patients is likely to enhance treatment eff ectiveness. More stringent segregation measures, in place for the foreseeable future, could challenge patients’ existing coping strategies. Enhancing communication and information provision and giving consistent messages can reduce the eff ect of these. Many patients with chronic M abscessus infection commence lifelong maintenance treatment, which requires readjustment of their expectations for long-term health and future treatment options. Raising awareness of the psychological
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