Beyond Prejudice: Inclusive Learning in Practice.

What do ‘inclusive learning’, ‘equality’ and ‘widening participation’ mean? Are they synonymous? How can providers decipher what is required of them and relate it to their mission and development plans? How do they ensure that they are responding to the challenges presented? How do they achieve the targets that are set? The Learning and Skills Council (LSC) has a statutory duty to apply the principles of equality and diversity, and these principles are included within the Common Inspection Framework. Providers from across the learning and skills sector need to review their provision in the light of this agenda. This publication provides an overview that illustrates the breadth and variety that the broad banner of inclusive learning encapsulates, signposting further information and focusing on a number of key issues that have challenged providers across the learning and skills sector in recent times. These key areas are supplemented by illustrative case studies drawn from the Support for Success and Adult and Community Learning Quality Support Programmes that outline how some providers are responding to the challenges inclusive learning can present.
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