Geological structural controls on stability of footwall slopes: an example from the Bowen Basin, Queensland

Abstract Surface mining of coal can involve extensive footwall slopes parallel to shallow to moderately dipping coal measures strata. Footwall failure mechanisms typically invoke bedding-parallel defects but also require either the existence of flatter structures, which cross-cut bedding, or require break-out through the rock mass to allow failure surfaces to emerge. Permian-aged Baralaba Coal Measures of the Bowen Basin, Queensland, are prospective for coal with extraction by open-pit methods. The Baralaba Coal Measures contains multiple seams within an interburden sequence comprising sandstone, siltstone, mudstone and carbonaceous variations. The coal measures sequence has been deformed into a complex pattern of NW-striking folds which has resulted in bedding dip ranging from 15° to 60°. Bedding has been classified as shallow (10–30°) to moderate (30–60°). Geotechnical investigations conducted to support coal extraction up to depths of 200 m suggest that structural controls strongly influence footwall slope design. For the purpose of footwall slope design, a distinction can be made between deposit areas of relatively simple structure (uniformly dipping bedding on fold limbs) and structurally complex areas (where layer-parallel shortening close to fold hinges has resulted in a system of low-angle thrusts and asymmetrical minor folds).
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