Aspects of Bio-Economic Revolution in Agriculture

Revolution, especially in science, will always be regarded with anxiety because nothing can be more terrible than the fear of a creative mind to see, after years in which he painstakingly built and effort building your own system, placed the foundation of what was thought to be granite truth, that a heretic, came amiss, it looks like a mysterious magician, his certainty that the stone was just an illusion, a disguised form of nothingness. In saying this, to reach a truly exceptional, postulated by Romanian and universal while   Nicholas Georgescu - Roegen , a vision which alone would be enough to put this so little known, however, thinker, the genius category. It is   the distinction between growth and development       , two words so often confused and sometimes used in theory and practice of economic thought. It essentially says N. Georgescu - Roegen - in the footsteps of his master's from Harvard, Joseph A. Schumpeter, "   growth is to produce more, develop, produce different ". Dominated by the idea of perpetual accumulation, mankind has been for centuries and longer still, in constant pursuit for the "more", without understanding the truth that, in fact, natural purpose is "to be" in a context of quality - and morally - superior. Escape the trap of this "more", with its subsidiary "faster" as a solution to living better and more complete quality is necessary and possible. The starting point in bio-economic theory of N. Georgescu - Roegen was the finding that the survival of mankind has a problem entirely different from that of other species is neither exclusively biological nor exclusively economic: is bio-economic characteristics and traits depend on many asymmetries that exist between the three sources of entropy which together form the heritage of humanity - free energy, received from the sun, on the one hand, and free energy and materials ordered structures hidden in the bowels of the earth, on the other.   Systems bio-economic farming involves all elements: water, air, soil, climate, plants, animals, etc., creating natural products, whether we call organic, biological, organic, etc.. Development and use growing as scientific knowledge, research, emphasizes rationality in economic activity, thus ensuring the premise to increase economic efficiency in bio-economic conditions.
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