On the impediments to innovation in the European assistive technology industry.

: This paper identifies and analyses some critical aspects of the European assistive technology industry which characterize innovation and determine its type, direction and diffusion. It is argued that innovation in this field is restricted because of (i) the limited and inefficient interaction between certain distinctive market elements, namely research, development, production, trade, service delivery, procurement and usage; (ii) the structural characteristics and general economic environment of the European assistive technology market; and (iii) the lack of a concise set of complementary and supportive actions towards the promotion of an environment favourable to industrial innovation and the transfer of new technology towards the European assistive technology market. The major conclusion from the investigation of the above factors is that innovation is not well served, while the limited innovative activity which is currently observed takes place mainly within institutions where the overall level of research seems to be concentrated and is of an occasional rather than permanent nature. Typically, this limited amount of innovation originates outside the assistive technology market and takes the form of 'induced' innovation.
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