Contribuicao ao estudo da vascularizacao arterial do testiculo em jumento da raca pega

The course of the testicular artery, the number and distribuition of its penetrating branches were studies in 30 pairs o f testicles of adult Pega race donkeys originated from severa! regions of Minas Gerais (Brazil), by analysing the squematic drawings from models obtained by corrosion after vinyl acetate injection. lt was noted that this artery showed four different vascular arrangements according to division with the predominance showed by one or nother of the resulting branches in the organ blood supply. The distribuition of the penetrating branches per quadrant in median values, was made so that in the right testicles, the most vascularized is the craniomedial (17,0), followed by the caudomedial and the craniolateral (15,5) and the caudolateral (15,0). In the left testicles, the caudolateral quadrant showed the highest number of penetrating branches, (18,5),  followed by the craniolateral (17,0), craniomedial (16 ,0) and the caudomedial (14,0). Anastomosis between the testicular artery and its branches or between different collaterals which were originated from that artery were observed in 15% of the cases. The total number of penetrating branches in median values was 66.5 and 66.0 to the left testicles, respectively. There were not significant statistical  differences between the right testicles and the left one, when the numbers of penetrating branches were compared.
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