Computer graphics pioneers: the Giloi's school of computer graphics

In the early 1970s, I first encountered Dr. Encarnacao at the University of Saarbruchen where he was an associate of Professor Wolfgang Giloi in the computer graphics department. I met Dr. W. Straβer sometime later.At that time, I worked for Information Displays Inc. (IDI). Dr. Giloi and Dr. Encarnacao were interested in acquiring a graphics system for their department and after much discussion, they agreed to purchase our unit, the IDIIOM (IDI Input Output Machine). See Figure 9.Shortly after we delivered the unit to Saarbruchen, Dr. Encarnacao told us that he had accepted a new position at the University of Daarmstadt, and would go there as a full professor to head up their computer graphics efforts. We were delighted to learn that he intended to bring the IDIIOM with him, Dr. Encarnacao and I developed a warm personal, as well as professional, relationship and although I left IDI in 1976 to form my consultancy, we continued to find ways to work together.
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