Cultural meaning systems of learning and their influences in the international universit y context

Practical background. Intercultural trainings to prepare freshmen for studying in the multicultural environm ent of Jacobs University have been designed on the basis o f empirical results of survey research conducted at t his institution. Derived from the theoretical backgroun d of mind and virtue orientation these trainings have be en designed to increase the understanding of cross-cul tural differences in learning assumptions and to help stu dents adapt to the mainly Western classroom culture at Ja cobs University. These trainings have been designed and conducted by the Diversity Taskforce and peer train ers. In the past, measures have included pre-arrival traini ngs for large groups from Romania and Bulgaria, orientation trainings for all incoming students upon arrival an d Western Classroom Culture workshops held multiple times throughout the year. Trainings include theore tical background information, interactive exercises, disc ussion and skill development. Research background. The main cultural psychological theory that provides the background for the current project is the mind/virtue framework of concepts of learnin g, as defined by Li (2003). In a qualitative study, she f ound that Western students have a ‘mind-oriented‘ approach to learning and Asian students have a ‘virtue-oriented ’ approach. Both orientations can be traced back to th e philosophical heritages in the respective cultures. At the core of the Mind orientation is doubt towards pre-e xisting knowledge. Learning is primarily defined as a proce ss of developing critical thinking skills. In the Virtue-orientation, learning is conceptualized as t he pursuit of moral and social development, with respe ct and diligence as guiding principles. Aims. The main aim of the project is to increase the awareness of cross-cultural differences in the lear ning process on the international campus of Jacobs University.This should facilitate student adjustmen t to the mainly Western, mind oriented classroom culture at this university.
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