Determinants of Urinary Deoxynivalenol and De-epoxy Deoxynivalenol in Male Farmers from Normandy, France

Dietary exposure to deoxynivalenol (DON) from contaminated cereal crops is frequent in Europe, and farm workers who handle grain or silage may be at additional risk. In this study we refined a urinary assay for DON and present a novel assay for the DON metabolite de-epoxy-deoxynivalenol (DOM-1). These were applied to a pilot survey of male French farmers (n = 76, aged 23−74). DON was detected in 75/76 samples (range 0.5−28.8 ng/mL) and DOM-1 in 26/76 samples (range 0.2−2.8 ng/mL). In multivariate analysis including creatinine as a covariate, bread consumption, other cereal consumption, and maize acreage contributed to the model, explaining the variation in urinary “DON and DOM-1” concentration combined (R2 = 0.33). This is the first exposure biomarker survey for DON in a French population, and the first demonstration of urinary DOM-1 in humans. Further investigations into occupational activity, handling, or airborne exposures would be informative.
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