Radiation defect band in Pb1-XSnXSe(x≤0.03) alloys irradiated with electrons

ABSTRACT The effect of hydrostatic pressure (P18 kbar) on the galvanomagnetic properties T, K) of n- and p.-Pb1SnSe(xO.O3) alloys irradiated with electrons (Th300 K, E-6 MeV, cm2) has been investigated. It wasshown that the hole concentration increases under pressure due to the motion of the energy bands at the Brillouin zone L-point and the flow of electrons from the valence band to the radiation defect band E11. Obtained experimental data wereused to determine the parameters of irradiation-induced defect band E11 by comparing theoretical and experimental pressuredependencies ofhole concentration.Keywords: A4B6 semiconductors, irradiation-induced defect states, high pressure 1. INTRODUCTION It has been known that electron irradiation of Pb1SnSe(xO.O6) alloys leads to the appearance of deep level (radiationdefect band) E11 in the energy spectrum of these alloys, the energy position of which depends on the tin concentration x: E11 L + (35 — 600 . x) meV '. At the atmospheric pressure theband E11, situated for alloys with x
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