Molecular breeding of a biotin-hyperproducing Serratia marcescens strain.

We previously reported that an acidomycin-resistant mutant of Serratia marcescens Sr41, SB304, and a mutant that was derived from SB304 and was resistant to a higher concentration of acidomycin, SB412, produced 5 and 20 mg of D-biotin, respectively, per liter of a medium containing sucrose and urea (N. Sakurai, Y. Imai, M. Masuda, S. Komatsubara, and T. Tosa, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59:2857-2863, 1993). In order to increase the productivity of D-biotin, the biotin (bio) operons were cloned from strains SB412, SB304, and 8000 (wild-type strain), and pLGM412, pLGM304, and pLGW101, respectively, were obtained through subcloning. These plasmids harbored 7.2-kb DNA fragments coding for the bioABFCD genes on a low-copy-number vector and were introduced into SB304, SB412, and 8000. Among the resulting recombinant strains, SB412(pLGM304) exhibited the highest D-biotin production (200 mg/liter) in the production medium. The plasmid was stably maintained in cells. Unexpectedly, SB412(pLGM412) grew very slowly, and the D-biotin productivity of this recombinant strain was not evaluated because pLGM412 was unstable.
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