Dieta mediterránea, actividad física e índice de masa corporal en adolescentes rurales de Granada (España)

espanolIntroduccion: En la adolescencia la falta de habitos saludables esta a la orden de dia, las dietas poco variadas y equilibradas, asi como la falta de Actividad Fisica van asociadas a un riesgo para la salud futura de los ninos/as y adolescentes. Objetivo: El objetivo fue evaluar la adherencia a la dieta mediterranea en adolescentes y su relacion con el Indice de Masa Corporal (IMC) y Actividad Fisica. Metodo: Se realizo un estudio prospectivo, transversal, descriptivo donde participaron 247 estudiantes (127 chicas y 120 chicos) entre 12 y 18 anos. Se analizo la adhesion a la dieta mediterranea a traves del test KIDMED y el grado de actividad fisica se estimo mediante el IPAQ version corta. Se midio la altura y el peso de cada adolescente, calculandose el IMC. Resultados: El 66%, de la muestra total mostro una optima adherencia a la dieta mediterranea con un IMC de 20,35 kg/m2 sin diferencias de sexos. Sin embargo, los chicos mostraron mayor nivel de actividad fisica que las chicas, con diferencias estadisticamente (P EnglishIntroduction: In adolescence, the lack of healthy habits is the order of the day, little varied and balanced diets, as well as the lack of physical activity are associated with a risk to the future health of children and adolescents. Objetive: The objetive was evaluate the adherence to Mediterranean diet in adolescents and the relationship with the Body Mass Index (BMI) and physical activity. Method: Prospective, cross-sectional, descriptive and comparative study was realized where participated 247 adolescents (127 girls y 120 boys), between 12 and 18 years. The adherence to Mediterranean diet was analysed through the KIDMED test and physical activity level was estimated using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ short version. The height and weigth was measured of each gymnastics, calculating BMI. Results: The 66%, of the total sample showed an optimal adherence to Mediterranean diet with a BMI of 20.35 kg / m2 without sex differences. However, the boys showed significantly bigger physical activity level than girls (p≤0.001). Discussion: No significant relationships were found between variables mediterranean diet, physical activity, BMI and gender. Conclusion: The habits of the Spanish adolescents in the sample are healthy, presenting the most optimal adherence to the Mediterranean diet, normal values of BMI and in good level of physical activity, being higher in boys.
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