How to operationalize and to evaluate the FAIRness in the crediting and rewarding processes in data sharing: a first step towards a simplified assessment grid

Indexed identifier ? Identification Are each data/dataset identified by an indexed and independant identifier ? Persistent metadata / data link ? Metadata traceability Are the metadata linked to the dataset through a persistent identifier? Metadata & authority linked ? Metadata traceability Are the metadata of each dataset linked to a unique authority (responsible for the datasets at a given time)? Unique, global, persistent ID? Identification Are the data identifiers unique, global and persistent ? Are the data identifiers unique, global and persistent ? Datasets linked to authority ? Metadata traceability Are all datasets linked to an authority (legal entity) through a unique and persistent identifier over time (e.g. institution, association or established body)? In case of a legal reuse restriction (such as personal data, state and public security, national defense secret, confidentiality of external relations, information systems security, secrets in industrial and commercial matters) , is the restriction properly justified?
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