Experimental study of the exotic-nuclei

These years the RIBLL( Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou) group have measured many nuclei's total reaction cross sections, which is the most popular and simple way to identify the exotic nuclei. The experiments were completed by using transparency method. The experimental results of different nuclei at different energies were converted into the same energy (30MeV/nucleon) and same target (silicon) by Shen's formula. With comparing to their neighbors, we found that C-9, Be-11, Be-14, B-8, B-14 and N-12's results show larger ones. The Glauber model was used to calculate the total reaction cross sections, and 2-para-Fermi density distribution was introduced. For the exotic nuclei, a core plus exotic nucleons density distribution was used. The theoretical results are consistent with the experimental ones.
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