도시쇠퇴지표와 삶의 질 지표의 유사성에 관한 연구

It has clearly been stated in the Urban Regeneration and Assistance Act that the main purpose of urban regeneration is to improve the quality of life of citizens. A variety of measure of urban decline have actively been used to diagnose the degree of decline of cities and to determine the effectiveness of urban regeneration projects. However, compared with the extensive use of urban decline indicators, there has been little discussion of how measures of urban decline can be used to contribute to the enhancement of quality of life. The purpose of study is to investigate the similarities and differences between measures of urban decline and quality of life indicators. This study found that firstly, urban decline measures focus on particular aspects of macro indicators such as population and business growth, while quality of life indicators pay attention on measures that can be derived from individual characteristics. These indicators include life satisfaction, civil participation, and health status. This study argued that some of the quality of life indicators can be incorporated into the measures of urban decline in order to achieve the ultimate goal of urban regeneration.
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