Désescalade thérapeutique dans le cancer du sein en chirurgie oncologique

The surgical management of breast cancer has been marked by a therapeutic de-escalation from radical surgery to breast conservation and from axillary curage to sentinel lymph node sampling. With regard to breast surgery, the de-escalation of treatment has been largely due to organized screening, which has made it possible to diagnose tumors of smaller volume or at an earlier stage. The indications for conservative surgery have been broadened by the addition of radiotherapy on one hand, and the introduction of adjuvant and neo-adjuvant treatments on the other hand. In an effort to de-escalate surgery, totally non-invasive techniques such as radiofrequency, HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) or cryotherapy have been tested. Currently, three trials are underway to evaluate active surveillance, without surgery, in the management of certain low-risk ductal carcinomas in situ (DCIS). Regarding axillary procedures, the sentinel node technique has allowed axillary staging in patients with early breast cancer without clinical or radiological lymph node involvement. Currently, international recommendations (ASCO, NCCN) and the consensus of experts in St Gallen do not recommend additional curage in cases of macro or micrometastatic invasion of the sentinel lymph nodes if the criteria of ACOSOG Z0011 are met. The question now arises as to the relevance of a biopsy of suspected axillary nodes during the initial workup and the usefulness of the sentinel node technique in the case of a negative initial workup.
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