Diagnostic value and cytomorphologic findings in bone marrow punctures in children with severe deficiency anemia

AIMS: To determine the diagnostic and prognostic value the bone marrow aspiration in children with severe deficiency anaemia. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this retrospective study we analysed 75 children 0-4 years of age who were diagnosed and treated from severe anaemia (Hb < 8g/dl) at Haematologic outpatient and hospital department of Pediatric Clinic in Sarajevo in period of 01.01.1999. to 31.12.1999. RESULTS: We analyzed totally 75 children--37 (49.33%) boys and 38 (50.67%) girls. Morphologic finding of bone marrow aspirate smear showed: features of ferriprive flora in 24% of analyzed patients; dimorphic bone marrow features in 9.3% of patients; feriprivic flora with dyshematopoesis in 62.7% and megaloblasic anaemia features in 1.3% of analyzed patients. In two children we diagnosed leukemias from bone marrow aspirate; one was ALL/L2 and the second was AML/M2 leukemia. CONCLUSION: The most frequent found features of bone marrow aspirate were: feriprivic flora with dyshematopoesis. There was only one case of the megaloblastic bone marrow. But, the finding of dymorphic bone marrow indicated to pluricareny of ethiologic factors for beginning severe nutrititive anaemia. Special value of this paper was discovering of two cases of leukemia by the bone marrow aspirate analysis.
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