European educational concept in environmentalnature- and climate protection to safeguard a cross border sustainable development

In cooperation of 5 partners from 4 counties (Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania), among them 1 public and 1 private university, 2 NGOs, 1 public research institute there are under realization concept to design a European educational in the ERASMUS Funding Scheme. The main objectives of the research are: 1) creation a curriculum concept with the participating countries in the professional advanced education area, in the topics: environmental -, nature-, and climate protection, 2) assessment of scope of realized research based on a research about existing furthering education programs, experiences, needs and requirements in the participating countries; 3) design of innovative training methods and combination of theoretical knowledge with practical key skills; 4) works in a complex environment that requires an interdisciplinary approach; 5) preparation of first test run of the course by exchanging potential trainers and trainees within the participating countries. The paper presents the research issues in the field of geoengineering and the use of renewable energy sources. The idea of the project is to open new chances on a futureoriented segment of the labor market for unemployed academic graduates, university dropouts and unemployed professionals, who have gained a multidisciplinary and yet very specific knowledge.
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