Kohärenz in der universitären Lehrerbildung

One area that is supported by the project “Qualitatsoffensive Lehrerbildung” (funded by BMBF) is the improvement of collaboration and coordination between studies in the discipline, studies in pedagogical content knowledge, and studies in pedagogical knowledge during teacher education at university. Aiming a better coordination among these three parts of teacher education at university, many of the supported projects have designed and realized university-specific approaches. This conference proceedings volume comprises contributions by 15 of these projects. Seven of those were introduced and discussed in workshops on the occasion of two cross-regional project-conferences in Hannover and Potsdam. Overall, the contributions give a theoretically funded as well as a practice-oriented overview of current approaches and concepts to achieve a better connection between study units concerning studies in content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge in teacher education. The volume presents university projects, which take effect on different levels (at the level of curriculum and content, at a collegiate level, at the level of structural conditions of universities). The different approaches are described in a way that they can provide a basis for transfer to other subjects or further universities. The contributions are aimed at teacher educators as well as other actors working in the field of teaching- and quality development at universities. All of them can take transferable ideas and impulses from the described concepts and formats.
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