Incorporating Smart Technologies and Resilience Into Healthy Living Environment Designs

: In dealing with the impacts of our changing climate, the sun, air, and water are the three main factors that will affect our ability to maintain a healthy and livable living environment. The two United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of "health welfare" and "sustainable city" relate closely to how societies face climate change. Applying smart technologies such as the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT), big data, blockchains, and the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud calculation, and network management allows designers to access information on relational and adaptive environmental designs. Moreover, these technologies help us learn evolutionary computation information in order to provide advanced mechanisms. Models that help promote the implementation of smart neighborhoods and cities integrate smart technologies and IoT in order to improve air quality and living convenience and achieve living environments that are livable and healthy. This article primarily addresses the impacts of climate change on our living environment and how we may use green and smart buildings to ameliorate the effects of this change on daily life, promote the efficient use of water resources, and make living spaces significantly more environmentally friendly. In addition, we hope to apply the idea of smart IoT and big data analysis to design "passive toughness adaptation" and "automatic sensing prevention" into healthy living environments, which may facilitate our ability to handle the problems of super-ageing societies and to adapt to the diminishing birthrate. An intelligent and resilient environment that is appropriate for all age groups may provide a valuable path forward for preparing effectively for the impacts of climate change. : 當前面對氣候變遷之衝擊,構成生命之三要素:陽光、空氣與水成為重要環境對應,如何維持可永續生存之健康宜居環境,從聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)擬定,將「健康福祉」與「永續城市」目標設定為可面對氣候變遷「韌性調適」之「健康住居環境」,其達成方式必須透過導入「智慧科技」,例如:人工智能物聯網(artificial intelligence and internet of things, AIoT)、大數據、互聯網、區塊鏈、雲端計算、網格化管理等,獲取調適資訊與預測及連動相關對應之環境設施與設計,並可學習演化計算相關資訊後提供預先調適之機制。透過「智慧社區與城市」之推動模式,串連智慧科技與物聯網改善空氣品質與生活便利,創造可宜居之健康住居環境。本文目的評論氣候變遷對於建築生活環境之衝擊,以綠建築、智慧建築為基礎設施,對於亞熱帶氣候之空氣品質、水資源及建築物綠化作為減緩與調適因子,並導入智慧物聯網大數據分析概念,以「被動韌性調適」與「主動感知預防」,作為韌性調適之健康住居環境設計,對於臺灣正面臨超高齡社會與少子幼兒照護,智慧韌性之全齡環境設計可作為對應氣候變遷衝擊之設計參考。.
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