Topographic organizations of taste-responsive neurons in the parabrachial nucleus of C57BL/6J mice: An electrophysiological mapping study

The activities of 178 taste-responsive neurons were recorded extracellularly from the parabrachial nucleus (PbN) in the anesthetized C57BL/6J mouse. Taste stimuli included those representative of five basic taste qualities, sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami. Umami synergism was represented by all sucrose-best and sweet-sensitive sodium chloride-best neurons. Mediolaterally the PbN was divided into medial, brachium conjunctivum (BC) and lateral subdivisions while rostrocaudally the PbN was divided into rostral and caudal subdivisions for mapping and reconstruction of recording sites. Neurons in the medial and BC subdivisions had a significantly greater magnitude of response to sucrose and to the mixture of monopotassium glutamate and inosine monophosphate than those found in the lateral subdivision. In contrast, neurons in the lateral subdivision possessed a more robust response to quinine hydrochloride. Rostrocaudally no difference was found in the mean magnitude of response. Analysis on the distribution pattern of neuron types classified by their best stimulus revealed that the proportion of neuron types in the medial vs. lateral and BC vs. lateral subdivisions was significantly different, with a greater amount of sucrose-best neurons found medially and within the BC, and a greater amount of sodium chloride-, citric acid- and quinine hydrochloride-best neurons found laterally. There was no significant difference in the neuron-type distribution between rostral and caudal PbN. We also assessed breadth of tuning in these neurons by calculating entropy (H) and noise-to-signal (N/S) ratio. The mean N/S ratio of all neurons (0.43) was significantly lower than that of H value (0.64). Neurons in the caudal PbN had a significantly higher H value than in the rostral PbN. In contrast, mean N/S ratios were not different both mediolaterally and rostrocaudally. These results suggest that although there is overlap in taste quality representation in the mouse PbN, taste-responsive neurons still possessed a topographic organization.
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