Quantitative analysis of brain gangliosides by high performance I iquid chromatog rap hy of their perbenzoyl derivatives

This report describes a convenient, highly sensitive, and reproducible HPLC procedure for the quantitative analysis of gangliosides from brain tissues. The procedure involves the conversion of gangliosides to their perbenzoyl derivatives, isola- tion of the derivatives on a C18-reversed-phase cartridge, separa- tion of the derivatives on a column (3-micron silica) maintained at an elevated temperature, and UV detection of the derivatives at 230 nm. The convenience of the procedure, its sensitivity, reproducibility, and application to the analysis of gangliosides from tissue sources make it the method of choice for ganglioside quantification in our laboratories. Three aspects of the proce- dure contribute to its convenience: reaction conditions that lead to single products, a convenient isolation procedure for the derivatives, and chromatographic conditions that provide resolution of the derivatives. -Ullman, M. D., and R. H. McCluer. Quantitative analysis of brain gangliosides by high performance liquid chromatography of their perbenzoyl deriva- tives. J. Lipid Res. 1985. 26: 501-506.
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