Estimation of Curie temperature of manganite-based materials for magnetic refrigeration application using hybrid gravitational based support vector regression

Magnetic refrigeration (MR) technology stands a good chance of replacing the conventional gas compression system (CGCS) of refrigeration due to its unique features such as high efficiency, low cost as well as being environmental friendly. Its operation involves the use of magnetocaloric effect (MCE) of a magnetic material caused by application of magnetic field. Manganite-based material demonstrates maximum MCE at its magnetic ordering temperature known as Curie temperature (TC). Consequently, manganite-based material with TC around room temperature is essentially desired for effective utilization of this technology. The TC of manganite-based materials can be adequately altered to a desired value through doping with appropriate foreign materials. In order to determine a manganite with TC around room temperature and to circumvent experimental challenges therein, this work proposes a model that can effectively estimates the TC of manganite-based material doped with different materials with the aid of suppor...
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