Tipificação de fatores relacionados à produção leiteira e seu impacto sobre a qualidade sanitária do leite

Aiming at identifying and characterizing the dairy production systems regarding the hygienic and sanitary practices in milking on the sanitary quality of milk, 32 properties were analyzed through the data collection by means of a semi-structured questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by multivariate statistical analysis, using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and analysis of Ascending Hierarchical Classification - Cluster (CHA). Firstly, a cluster analysis was used for forming groups of variables. Through the groups formed was sought to obtain the explanatory variables through the PCA. Three PCA were obtained, which were named according to the variables of greatest effect in the analysis. The groups were called PCA-1: Equipment and contamination; PCA-2: Milking Technology; PCA-3: Scale of production. These results enabled the representation of the different characteristics of the production systems through cluster analysis, where for each PCA was performed a Cluster analysis, always with five groups of dairy production systems being formed with similar characteristics within each group. The formation of the groups enabled to identify that the performance of techniques and hygienic-sanitary managements of milking is more related to the age and producer’s education, linked to time in the dairy business.
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