Isolated Volar Dislocation of the Distal Radioulnar Joint: A Case Report.

Introduction Isolated dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) is a rare phenomenon. Approximately 50% of isolated DRUJ dislocations are undiagnosed or diagnosed late with significant functional consequences. This clinical injury is rarely described in the literature and management is not well established. We reported a case of volar DRUJ dislocation early diagnosed. Case Report A 36-year-old man was diagnosed with an isolated volar dislocation of the DRUJ. The clinical examination, X-rays, and computed tomography scan allowed an early diagnosis. A reduction by external maneuvers was performed and the patient was immobilized in an above elbow plaster cast for 6 weeks. Magnetic resonance imaging did not reveal any capsuloligamentous lesions requiring surgery. Evolution was favorable. Conclusion Isolated volar dislocation of the DRUJ is an uncommon injury which can be easily missed. Missed or late diagnosis may lead to significant morbidity. Early diagnosis and treatment of such injuries usually results in excellent functional recovery.
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