Assessment of the CoaguChek-XS portable prothrombin time point-of-care analyzer for horses:

Coagulopathies in horses are common and potentially life-threatening. In equine field medicine, a portable point-of-care (POC) prothrombin time (PT) testing device could be useful to identify early changes in extrinsic clotting. The CoaguChek-XS (Roche Diagnostics) is a small, portable POC PT analyzer used in human medicine. Our preliminary study assessed the suitability of CoaguChek-XS for testing PT in horses and established the PT reference interval (PT RI) in healthy horses using this instrument. Blood samples collected from 102 healthy and ill horses were analyzed with the CoaguChek-XS and compared to a semi-automated coagulometric analyzer (SACA) as the gold standard. There was a significant positive correlation between the 2 measurement methods (r = 0.765, p < 0.01), and very good agreement, with 97% of the samples falling within limits of agreement. The mean CoaguChek-XS PT coefficient of variation was 0.8%, indicating high precision. With high precision and good agreement with the coagulometric P...
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