Mechanisms of membrane assembly: Effects of energy poisons on the conversion of soluble M13 coliphage procoat to membrane-bound coat protein (leader peptidase/membrane potential/integral membrane protein/uncoupler-resistant mutants/membrane trigger hypothesis)

The coat protein (gene 8 product) of coliphage M13 spans the host cell plasma membrane prior to its assembly into extruding virions. It is made as a soluble precursor, termed procoat, with an extra 23 NH2-terminal amino acid residues. We have examined the effect of metabolic poisons on the assembly of procoat into the plasma membrane and its proteolytic con- version to coat protein. Protein synthesis and proline uptake were measured to assess the effect of each poison on cellular high-energy phosphate and on the transmembrane protonmotive force, respectively. Arsenate, which abolished protein synthesis but did not affect proline uptake, had no measurable effect on the conversion of procoat to coat protein. In contrast, the un- coupler carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) blocked conversion of procoat to coat protein. Neither CCCP nor arsenate inhibited the ability of a detergent-solubilited and highly purified preparation of leader peptidase to convert pro- coat to coat protein in the presence of detergents. The procoat that accumulated in the presence of CCCP was membrane bound. A spontaneous mutant that grows in the presence of CCCP showed (i) CCCP-resistant proline uptake in whole cells, (ii) CCCP-resistant proline uptake in inner membrane vesicles, and (iii) CCCP-resistant conversion of procoat protein to coat protein. These data suggest that an electrochemical gradient is at least indirectly necessary for the proper assembly of procoat into the cellular membrane.
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