Effects of Smallanthus Leaf Extract on Blood Lipid Profiles of Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats

Dyslipidemia often accompanies diabetes mellitus . The major lipid component disorder is the increase in total cholesterol, l ow d ensity l ipoprotein ( LDL), t rigl ic er y d e level s and decrease in high density lipoprotein ( HDL) level . Yakon leaves (Smallanthus sonchifolius) contains chlorogenic acid which h as antih y perglicemic and hypolipidemic effects. This study aims t o investigate blood lipid profile s in diabetic wistar rats that were treated with yakon leave s extract . Th is study used true experiment design with p osttest only with c ontrol g roup . A total of 27 diabetic rats were sampled for lipid profile and were divided into 3 groups: negative control, positive control and treatment groups . In the negative control group , the triglyceride , LDL and HDL level s were 54.77, 7.42 and 44.70 mg/d L, respectively. I n the positive control group , the mean of t riglyceride , LDL and HDL level s were 78.22, 13 . 62, 34 . 00 mg/d L, respectively. I n the treatment group , the mean of t riglyceride , LDL and HDL level s were 68 . 67, 4.7 and 34 . 00 mg/d L, respectively . O ne-way ANOVA test showed that there was no significant difference among the three groups, the LDL level showed that there was significant difference of LDL level in the control group positive and treatment group (p = 0.002), and at HDL level there was also significant difference in positive control group with negative control group and treatment group. We concluded that t here was no significant difference in triglyceride levels in diabetic mice fed with yakon leaves with triglyceride levels in male wistar strain rats wh ich were not given yakon leaves. Y akon leaves extract decrease d LDL but increase in HDL blood level of diabetic rats.
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