Photon-echo detected nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy

Abstract Rare-earth-ion-doped crystals (REICs) have played an important role in quantum information processing due to their excellent coherent properties. In order to obtain the information regarding the hyperfine structures of the rare-earth ions in REICs, optically detected nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) techniques based on RF resonance and various optical detection methods are widely employed in previous works. Here we demonstrate a new method of NQR spectroscopy based on the photon-echo detection. The hyperfine spectra of the ground state (7F0) and the optically-excited state (5D0) of 151Eu3+ in Y2SiO5 at zero field are obtained. This method can determine the hyperfine splittings within the ground state and the optically-excited state and is shown to be robust against electrical noise. Our results provide an alternative way for optical detection of NMR and NQR with high signal-to-noise ratio.
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