번역 학습자의 서한 번역전략 분석 - 기사문 관계절을 중심으로 -

This study aims to examine how structural differences between Spanish and Korean in relative clauses affect the achievement of the translation goal of communicative translation. For this purpose, relative clauses of Spanish news texts used in actual translation class for graduate students (ST) and their translations in Korean (TT) were collected. For the analysis, the clauses were divided according to cases such as subjective, objective, oblique, possessive and appositive cases, and categorized into two types: restrictive and non-restrictive clauses, given that the two languages differ in the use of relative clauses. The analysis reveals that translation learners adopt distinct strategies for different types and cases of relative clauses by using connective endings, altering parts of speech in target language or switching the position of antecedent, etc. in accordance with the principle of conciseness of news texts. On the other hand, findings show that translations taking into account the differences between Spanish and Korean turn out to be more TL reader friendly, thus more communicative. The study concludes that when translating Spanish relative clauses into Korean, learners should consider the heterogeneity between the two languages, understand the function of the text to be translated and review the translation strategy from the perspective of the TL reader.
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