Neutron detectors for the ESS diffractometers

The ambitious instrument suite for the future European Spallation Source whose civil construction started recently in Lund, Sweden, demands a set of diverse and challenging requirements for the neutron detectors. For instance, the unprecedented high flux expected on the samples to be investigated in neutron diffraction or reflectometry experiments requires detectors that can handle high counting rates, while the investigation of sub-millimeter protein crystals will only be possible with large-area detectors that can achieve a position resolution as low as 200 {\mu}m. This has motivated an extensive research and development campaign to advance the state-of-the-art detector and to find new technologies that can reach maturity by the time the ESS will operate at full potential. This paper presents the key detector requirements for three of the Time-of-Flight diffraction instrument concepts selected by the Scientific Advisory Committee to advance into the phase of preliminary engineering design. We discuss the available detector technologies suitable for this particular instrument class and their major challenges. The detector technologies selected by the instrument teams to collect the diffraction patterns are briefly discussed. Analytical calculations, Monte-Carlo simulations, and real experimental data are used to develop a generic method to esti- mate the event rate in the diffraction detectors. The proposed approach is based upon conservative assumptions that use information and input parameters that reflect our current level of knowledge and understanding of the ESS project. We apply this method to make predictions for the future diffraction instruments, and thus provide additional information that can help the instrument teams with the optimisation of the detector designs.
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