Application of Probiotic Diet on Rats and its Effect on Lipid Profile: A Case-control Study

Lipid profile and cholesterol level play an important role in cardiovascular and other life style diseases. A case-control study was designed on 16 rats to observe the effects of probiotic diet for controlling lipid and cholesterol level. Probiotic bacteria culture (Danisco freeze drying culture) was collected from Denmark. The isolation and identification of the strains was carried out at Industrial Food Microbiology laboratory, Institute of Food science and Technology of BCSIR, Dhaka. In cases group, eight rats were fed high fat diet for 7 days and then collected blood sample for lipid profile analysis. Probiotic diet was fed from day 8 to another 7 days and at day 15, again collected blood sample. In control group, another eight rats were fed normal laboratory diet and after 15 days, collected blood sample. Comparing the effects of probiotic diet the cases rats of probiotic diet group curtly reduced the LDL, TC, TG and increased the HDL. Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacteria’s presence in probiotic diets probably is responsible for decrease the total cholesterol up to 92 mg/dl, triglycerides up to 21 mg/dl, LDL up to 15 mg/dl and increased HDL up to 60 mg/dl. On the other hand, fat diet and control diet does not have any significant changes their lipid profile. Thus, it can be postulated that probiotic diet can be a healthy diet for rats or even human beings. Keywords: Probiotic, lipid profile, serum cholesterol lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacteria Cite this Article Obidul Huq AK, Formuzul Haque KM, Ayesha Begum et al . Application of Probiotic Diet on Rats and its Effect on Lipid Profile: A Case-control Study. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Microbiology and Virology . 2017; 7(2): 7–11p.
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